May 22: Urban Agriculture talk in Monroeville

Urban Agriculture -- how, and why

Please join planetary scientist, studio artist and science/environmental educator Maren Cooke for a presentation about urban agriculture and the role it can play as we work to build a sustainable future for our planet. Maren operates an urban microfarm, supplying organic produce to a restaurant and garden plants to the surrounding community, and has been rebuilding her family’s home as a demonstration for green building and green living. She also serves on the board of the Group Against Smog & Pollution (GASP), maintains an online listing of environmental and social justice events and resources called MarensList, and organizes and hosts Sustainability Salons, a monthly environmental education forum and community gathering. Maren has helped create science curricula and train teachers, and has taught physics, astronomy, planetary science, environmental science, environmental sociology, grassroots organizing, financial literacy, green building, organic gardening, permaculture and beekeeping to people of all ages, from all walks of life and in several different countries.

By special request, Maren will include a bit on last year's solar eclipse.  

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