6-8 p.m. each evening at Repair The World (6022 Broad St., 15206). Aiming to find people that will attend ALL of the dinners. By registering you are committing to all of the dates; please email samapplefield@gmail.com if you have questions! Please register online here: https://rpr.world/FoodSystems101
Oct 10 & 23, Nov 5 & 29, Dec 12: Food Systems 101
6-8 p.m. each evening at Repair The World (6022 Broad St., 15206). Aiming to find people that will attend ALL of the dinners. By registering you are committing to all of the dates; please email samapplefield@gmail.com if you have questions! Please register online here: https://rpr.world/FoodSystems101