Apr 30: The Problem with Plastics

The Problem With Plastics and What We Can Do About It:  
Personal and Political Solutions

Plastics pollution is more than just an eyesore.  As plastic breaks into smaller and smaller pieces, Bisphenol A (BPA) and other chemicals leach into streams and rivers where most of us get our drinking water.  Fish and wildlife mistake plastic for food — and can be injured or killed after eating it.  Plastic is not biodegradable, so it will be in our streams, rivers, and oceans forever!
Come learn what you, your family, and your community can do about plastics pollution — and how we can start to live without plastic.

Nick Coles activist with the What'sSUP Challenge to reduce single-use plastics (SUPs) in our lives and environment.

Dianne Peterson Activist, Eco-Educator & Entrepreneur, on the dangers of plastic and how to curtail its use.

7 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the South Hills (Sunnyhill), 1240 Washington Road, Mt. Lebanon, PA 15228.  Free and open to everyone in the community;  limited on-site parking.  Sponsored by the Allegheny County and Greene County chapters of the Izaak Walton League, Clean Air Council, EarthCare, NoPetroPA, Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project. Food & Water Watch, Healthcare4allpa

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