Apr 30: Stormwater solutions for Shadyside

Stormwater Solutions Coming to Shadyside

The Maryland Avenue Stormwater Improvement Project will use cost-effective green stormwater solutions to help reduce the ongoing issues of basement backups, neighborhood flooding, and combined sewer overflows that commonly occur during heavy rains.

Phase I of the project focuses on the construction of stormwater solutions within the public right-of-way along Maryland Avenue, Kentucky Avenue, College Street and Walnut Street. Please join the Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority for a project update on Tuesday, April 30th and share your thoughts about the design of this project. For more information, please visit the project website at www.pgh2o.com/marylandavenue.

6:30-8 at 555 Morewood Avenue, 15213.  Free and open to the public;  please register online

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